1."Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai, " he said.
2.He said: "Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai. "
3.On Tuesday, Megrahi dropped his appeal, which would have opened the door to a close examination of the evidence.
4.Close examination of that pollen by transmission electron microscopy also showed delayed formation of starch granules and the intine layer.
5.Close examination of these break points allowed the team to determine how these copy number variations occur.
6.Also from Migratory Drift, this landscape proves on close examination to be a hybrid of natural and human-directed.
7.Close examination of the plug welds showed the existence of herringbone patterns near the slag and voids in welds.
8.After a close examination of a building, Lin will decide on the right treatment, bringing in a special team to assist him.
9.However, a close examination of the organization's cost structure showed that the classes were actually a net drain on resources.
10.Firstly, researches about the fiction and its translation both at home and abroad are under close examination.